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A cleaning process for the removal and stabilisation of arsenic …

Under the optimal conditions, the leaching rate of arsenic from lead slime reached 99.10% and the arsenic content of the leaching residue was about 0.80%. After a decontamination procedure, the ...

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Selective Extraction of Antimony and Arsenic from Decopperization Slime

The aim of the present study is to selectively extract antimony and arsenic from decopperization slime through alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy with a view to recycle the obtained solid residue within the copper smelter, and also regenerate the sulfide lixiviant during the process. Rechtschaffner experimental design was used to evaluate the joint …

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(PDF) Evaluation of Long-Term Leaching of Arsenic from Arsenic …

The TCLP vs percolation column test for the release of arsenic from contaminated and stabilized soils. Note that the comparisons are based on the same L/S ratio (i.e., cumulative mass

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Removal and stabilization of arsenic from anode slime by …

Abstract. A process was proposed for removing and stabilizing arsenic (As) from anode slime. The anode slime with high arsenic concentration was pretreated by circular alkaline leaching process. Then, the arsenic in the leaching solution can be further precipitated as a form of scorodite crystalline (FeAsO 4 ·2H 2 O).

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Selective Extraction of Antimony and Arsenic from Decopperization Slime

The arsenic leaching efficiency can reach 99.37% under the optimized conditions, meanwhile 98.39% of Sb, 99.74% of Zn, and 99.91% of Pb remained in the leach residue with the arsenic content < 0.1%.

اقرأ المزيد

The impact of slimes-dam quality and pollution

The effect of mining and slimes-dam formation on the quality of this water is dramatically indicated by the sulphate and fluoride content of this water, as shown by Table X. Where …

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Removal of Arsenic and Antimony from Anode Slime by

Therefore, a new technology for treating arsenic-rich anode slime was proposed in this paper, namely the two-step process of vacuum dynamic evaporation (VDE) and vacuum dynamic flash reduction (VDFR).

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Separation and Stabilization of Arsenic from Lead Slime by …

In this paper, a scheme is proposed for the treatment of arsenic-containing lead slime by the combination of acid pressure oxidation leaching and forming scorodite. On the basis of thermodynamic calculations, the effects of six factors including acid concentration, oxygen partial pressure (pO2), liquid to solid ratio (L/S), agitating …

اقرأ المزيد

Removing arsenic from anode slime by vacuum dynamic …

Arsenic-rich anode slime was chosen for the experiments. Table 1 gives the main chemical composition of metallic elements in the homogenized sample by titrimetric method. There was 19.35 wt% of arsenic, 24.75 wt% of antimony and 3.88 wt% of silver in the arsenic-rich anode slime, as shown in Table 1. The reductant was charcoal powder …

اقرأ المزيد

Removal of arsenic, lead and bismuth from copper anode slime …

A green and efficient method for removing arsenic (As), lead (Pb) and bismuth (Bi) from copper anode slime by a one-step vacuum carbothermal reduction process was proposed. In this paper, the Gibbs free energy and saturation vapor pressure for the reduction process were analyzed theoretically.

اقرأ المزيد

An efficient and clean method for the selective separation of arsenic

Therefore, an effective and clean pretreatment method for selectively separating arsenic from scrap copper anode slime containing high arsenic and tin via oxygen-enriched roasting followed by acid leaching was proposed. The volatilization rate of arsenic was only 1.13% under the optimum oxygen-enriched roasting parameters. The …

اقرأ المزيد

(PDF) Challenges of Surface Water Quality Management in …

Both of these types of mine dumps have problems in contaminated run-off and percolation to groundwater. The. ... both at the abandoned slimes dam and at the active slimes dam. The extremely high levels of arsenic are a particular cause for concern. DISCUSSION Results suggest four principal challenges to water quality management in the ...

اقرأ المزيد

Removal of Arsenic and Antimony from Anode Slime by …

Anode slime is an important material of recycling precious metals. Up to now, treating the arsenic- and antimony-rich anode slime by conventional processes has the following problems: its economic and environmental effect is less than satisfactory, and the removal effect of arsenic and antimony from anode slime in present processes is …

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percolation of arsenic from slime dams

percolation of arsenic from slime dams. Iron Mountain Mine Percolation Of Arsenic From Slime Dams Vietnam 2019 10 30This commission was created by act of March 1 1893 vol 27 p 506 chap 183 as printed pp 659 665 …

اقرأ المزيد

Recent practices in mine tailings' recycling and reuse

Major tailings dam accidents have occurred recently, and thousands of tailings materials have created an irreversible hazardous situation for the environment, polluting agricultural fields and even killing people in some places. ... Depending on its pH and potentially hazardous constituents like arsenic or cyanide, different types of mixing ...

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percolation of arsenic from slime dams

percolation of arsenic from slime dams. Water and waste water treatment opportunity in . 2011 Water and Waste Water Treatment Opportunity in India An Overview An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Organization.

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Slime dams and IN THE COMMUNITY toxic cocktails

tailings dams and one plant waste. Although slime dams are a health hazard and dangerous, it is difficult for children not to play near them because they are situated close to where they live. The dams are located about 300m from where communities live. In February 1994, a tailing dam failed and flooded the suburb of Merriespruit, killing 17 people

اقرأ المزيد

Understanding the As (III) oxidative performance of MnO

1. Introduction. Arsenic contamination in groundwater has risen to alarming levels around the world [1], [2].Chronic intake of arsenic-contaminated drinking water in excess of 0.01 mg L −1 (WHO standard) has major health repercussions since it causes skin lesions, high blood pressure, diabetes, bladder and lung cancer, and non-cancerous …

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Arsenic April 2021

Chronic (long-term) inhalation exposure to inorganic arsenic in humans is associated with skin, cardiovascular, and neurological effects. Acute oral exposure to inorganic arsenic has resulted in effects on the digestive tract, respiratory tract, central nervous system (CNS), cardiovascular system, liver, and blood and has resulted in death.

اقرأ المزيد

Evaluation of Long-Term Leaching of Arsenic from Arsenic …

Arsenic in the soil can leach into groundwater and contaminate drinking water, posing a serious risk to human health. The stabilization of arsenic in contaminated soil is one of the immobilization technologies used to remediate contaminated lands. However, few studies have evaluated the long-term release of As and pH changes in …

اقرأ المزيد

Removal and stabilization of arsenic from anode slime …

pH plays an important role in scorodite formation in arsenic leaching solution of anode slime. Scorodite can be produced at pH lower than 5.0. High-crystalline scorodite can be obtained in the ...

اقرأ المزيد

Distribution of Arsenic and Heavy Metals from Mine Tailings dams …

This present study investigated the issue of gold mine tailings dams as a potential source of arsenic and other trace elements contamination and their dissolution into the adjoining environmental media in Obuasi Municipality of Ghana. One active (Sanso tailings dam) and two abandoned (Pompora and Dokyiwa) mine tailings dams in Obuasi gold mine site, …

اقرأ المزيد

Selective leaching of arsenic and antimony contained in the …

Therefore, an effective and clean pretreatment method for selectively separating arsenic from scrap copper anode slime containing high arsenic and tin via oxygen-enriched roasting followed by acid leaching was proposed. The volatilization rate of arsenic was only 1.13% under the optimum oxygen-enriched roasting parameters. The …

اقرأ المزيد

Removal of Arsenic and Antimony from Anode Slime by …

Anode slime is an important material of recycling precious metals. Up to now, treating the arsenic- and antimony-rich anode slime by conventional processes …

اقرأ المزيد

Removal and stabilization of arsenic from anode slime by …

Under the optimal conditions, the leaching rate of arsenic from lead slime reached 99.10% and the arsenic content of the leaching residue was about 0.80%. After a decontamination procedure, the ...

اقرأ المزيد

percolation of arsenic from slime dams

concluded that slime above the foundation bank slid due to liquefaction (Ishihara et al. [4]), as shown in Fig. 11, and flowed 1 km downstream into houses and fields. The river downstream was contaminated with arsenic. In the restoration work, the slime behind the starter dam was treated by mixing it with cement to prevent liquefaction

اقرأ المزيد

BIO Ch 12 Flashcards | Quizlet

BIO Ch 12. 5.0 (1 review) An artesian well occurs when ________. an aquifer is trapped under pressure between two layers that are less permeable. a water-bearing porous layer of rock, sand, or gravel has accumulated groundwater over a long period of time. there are several aquifers that have merged. granite is overlain by a sandy substrate,

اقرأ المزيد

Selective Extraction of Antimony and Arsenic from …

Abstract The aim of the present study is to selectively extract antimony and arsenic from decopperization slime through alkaline sulfide hydrometallurgy with a view to recycle the obtained solid residue within the copper smel-ter, and also regenerate the sulfide lixiviant during the process. Rechtschaffner experimental design was used to ...

اقرأ المزيد

Understanding the As(III) oxidative performance of MnO2

Request PDF | Understanding the As(III) oxidative performance of MnO2 polymorphs (α, β, and γ) and synthesis of an efficient nanocomposite of iron ore slime derived 2-line ferrihydrite and γ ...

اقرأ المزيد

An efficient and clean method for the selective separation of arsenic

DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2022.131640 Corpus ID: 248019151; An efficient and clean method for the selective separation of arsenic from scrap copper anode slime containing high arsenic and tin

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